Monday, January 13, 2020

The erl-king

WHO rides there so late through the night dark and drear? The father it is, with his infant so dear; He holdeth the boy tightly clasp'd in his arm, He holdeth him safely, he keepeth him warm. â€Å"My son, wherefore seek'st thou thy face thus to hide? † â€Å"Look, father, the Erl-King is close by our side! Dost see not the Erl-King, with crown and with train? † â€Å"My son, 'tis the mist rising over the plain. † â€Å"Oh, come, thou dear infant! Oh come thou with me! Full many a game I will play there with thee; On my strand, lovely flowers their blossoms unfold,My mother shall grace thee with garments of gold. † â€Å"My father, my father, and dost thou not hear The words that the Erl-King now breathes in mine ear? † â€Å"Be calm, dearest child, 'tis thy fancy deceives; ‘Tis the sad wind that sighs through the withering leaves. † â€Å"Wilt go, then, dear infant, wilt go with me there? My daughters shall tend thee with sisterly car e My daughters by night their glad festival keep, They'll dance thee, and rock thee, and sing thee to sleep. † â€Å"My father, my father, and dost thou not see,How the Erl-King his daughters has brought here for me? † â€Å"My darling, my darling, I see it aright, ‘Tis the aged grey willows deceiving thy sight. † â€Å"l love thee, I'm charm'd by thy beauty, dear boy! And if thou'rt unwilling, then force I'll employ. † â€Å"My father, my father, he seizes me fast, Full sorely the Erl-King has hurt me at last. † The father now gallops, with terror half wild, He grasps in his arms the poor shuddering child; He reaches his courtyard with toil and with dread,– The child in his arms finds he motionless, dead. The erl-king By wnguyenp

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